Evaluation Services

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Vivial offers a one-stop shop of expertise from assessment consulting through delivery of the finished product for clients seeking color-revealing advice and services in order to enhance the value and sales positioning of their existing stock. 

A wide range of Vivial customers, from luxury jewelry designers and manufacturers through dealers and large-scale retailers, often find themselves facing multiple questions regarding their diamond inventory.

How would my light yellow stones fare in the market if they were a richer shade of cognac?

If a certain shade of green is currently popular in the Far East country I am targeting for my diamond jewelry line, what can I do in order to ride that trend today?

What makes the color modification process, a safe, permanent and competitively cost-effective?

Customers seeking opinions on myriad issues come to the “source” – Vivial. We are able to verify the range of color that can be revealed for a specific stone, advise as to the desirability of choosing one color over another and determine its potential market value based on cut, size and current fashion trends.

Color revealing is a wise investment. We help our customers to maximize the value of their inventory by assessing its color potential, helping them to determine goals (I want to produce a line of blue engagement rings; I want to soften the appearance of impurities in my stones through color-revealing…) and achieve them through our safe, green, ISO-compliant process which stands alone on the color modification landscape.

Once a customer’s inventory is properly assessed and assorted, we prepare an accurate “formula” for revealing the specific color(s) targeted. Whereas the 4Cs – Color, Cut, Clarity & Carat – represent a basis for determining price for every natural diamond manufacturer, Vivial takes value enhancement a step further, by adding an additional C into the mix: Charisma. By enabling a color-revealed change, we are revealing a diamond’s true color character to the world.

Whether you approach us with single stones or time-sensitive projects involving thousands of diamonds, Vivial is capable of accurately assessing the color potential in your inventory and enhancing its value through our proprietary process.

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